Wednesday, 30 May 2012


I've always liked airports. I like how people from all over the world drift through and fluctuate in the transparency of modern architecture. People become a part of the surface. They are all well dressed and beautiful, passing by as shadows and ghosts.

Photo: Henrik Nor-Hansen

I guess a pop artist like, say Andy Warhol, would have loved these new international airports. It's like they have a surface of teflon where nothing emotional really sticks. We're all just passing through. We have no purpose beyond going on a business trip or a holiday.

Photo: Henrik Nor-Hansen

Traveling has become the empty eye which so much of our modern living is revolving around; we're confusing traveling with the wild idea that our lives are getting somewhere. Discovering that we're going nowhere we put up blogs as a metaphor for change.

Photo: Henrik Nor-Hansen

Vancouver, Phoenix, Toronto, Copenhagen; it's this kind of prolonged suffering that we all love to talk about. Restlessness clocks us.

Photo: Henrik Nor-Hansen