Friday 10 September 2010

Dark Surf

The surfers are still out. Everybody seems to be fixated on something larger than themselves. They are here as a group, but they're all alone, standing far apart and engulfed in a quest for the perfect wave.

I find it interesting when people are obsessed by certain activities. You can see it in the way surfers stare out at the incoming waves. It's a focus that rules out all the trivial clutter in the brain.

surfing Ocean Beach photo Henrik Nor-Hansen
surfing Ocean Beach photo Henrik Nor-Hansen
photo Henrik Nor-Hansen Ocean Beach
photo Henrik Nor-Hansen
But isn't it kind of ironic that surfers search for the perfect wave? I mean, if anything is in a constant flux it must be the sea. Waves comes and goes, it's the medium for impermanence. The perfect wave is never there. Or it's there, but the ride is off. So the surfing continues.

dark surf photo Henrik Nor-Hansen
photo Henrik Nor-Hansen