Monday 27 July 2009

We're not really humans

We first tried the double-decker tourist bus in Ottawa, Canada, and it was Nina who finally gave in for my primitive ideas of fun. It wasn’t too bad, though. She accepted another ride when we came to Chicago.

But in Chicago I realized that my interest had shifted. I suddenly didn’t care about the history of buildings. I was into people on the streets, and I saw this man who seemed to be in another world.

photo: Henrik Nor-Hansen

I’m always vaguely nervous when I take pictures of strangers. But from the top floor of a double-decker bus I felt safe. We are supposed to take pictures. And we are not really humans, we’re tourists.

photo: Henrik Nor-HansenI also saw this elegant Jewish woman, standing next to Chicago River, and I couldn't help doing the photographer-shoot-photographer theme, which is often the last picture before I hand the camera over to Nina. But I noted that the well dressed woman didn't like being associated with the tourist lowlife in a double-decker bus.